Welcome to Speaker Tips

Practical Communication Help from Alan Hoffler – Keynote Speaker, Author, Teacher, and Public Speaking Coach

Whether you're giving a keynote, leading a meeting, or presenting online, strong communication skills are essential. Here, you'll find expert insights on storytelling, presentation techniques, audience engagement, and more—everything you need to speak with impact.

One Email That Should Never Be Sent: Oh, and "Thank You."

One Email That Should Never Be Sent: Oh, and "Thank You."

If we want to actually get something done, we need to reduce the amount of time we spend reading — and writing — communication that doesn’t do anything. A Thank You email is one of those. ...more

Communications ,Email

March 12, 20252 min read

Speaking and Writing: Similarities and Differences Between Speaking and Writing

Speaking and Writing: Similarities and Differences Between Speaking and Writing

Speaking and writing are both subsets of the larger skill of communicating. Improving communication gives you more impact and influence. ...more

Public Speaking ,Communications

March 05, 20255 min read

Don't Remember a Speaker For the Wrong Reasons

Don't Remember a Speaker For the Wrong Reasons

When you open your mouth, you’ve got that one opportunity to change the life of the listener. Make the most of it. ...more

Public Speaking ,Communications

February 26, 20253 min read

Anniversaries - What I've Learned Over the Years

Anniversaries - What I've Learned Over the Years

What lessons have you learned that you need to revisit? What’s the biggest change you’ve experienced? And… what needs to happen next. ...more

Public Speaking ,Communications

February 20, 20255 min read

How to Express Passion in Public Speaking

How to Express Passion in Public Speaking

Sounding like you feel—and not presenting to feel good—is a skill that is hard to master, but ultimately worth the effort because of the reaction and response you will get from your audience. ...more

Public Speaking ,Communications

February 05, 20255 min read

7 Types of Public Speakers

7 Types of Public Speakers

Stories don’t much care where they are used. Audiences just know they make it easier to listen to and more applicable when public speakers use them. ...more

Public Speaking ,Communications

January 29, 20257 min read

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